
The valve between the lower left heart chamber and the body's main artery (aorta) is narrowed and doesn't open fully. This reduces or blocks blood flow from the heart to the aorta and to the rest of the body. Treatment of aortic stenosis depends on the severity of the condition.

Pulmonary vein stenosis is a rare and chronic condition that affects the blood vessels that deliver newly oxygenated blood from the lungs back into the heart. When any of these four veins are narrowed or blocked, the heart does not receive the oxygenated blood it needs, leading to serious health complications affecting the heart, lungs and.

What are the symptoms of RAS? increase or decrease in urination edema—swelling, usually in the legs, feet, or ankles and less often in the hands or face drowsiness or tiredness generalized itching or numbness dry skin headaches weight loss appetite loss nausea vomiting sleep problems trouble.

Mitral stenosis is defined as a narrowing of the mitral valve orifice. There are many causes of mitral stenosis, the most common of which are rheumatic heart disease, congenital malformations, radiation complications, metastases, myxoma, cardiac thrombi, etc (Table 1).